
The Deislers Go to School

The joys of the first day of school! Yes, this is a new outfit, and yes, the lighting is terrble.


Time to meet some kids

Everything is as ready as it can be. I'm sure tomorrow will be a whirlwind, but do still fear those moments where I just don't really know what to do. All in all, I'm very excited and can't believe that just two years ago, I was still working at the newspaper.


I met 8 of my kids!

Today was "Ready Set School!' and I got to meet 8 of my kids and their parents. It felt so real. It is shocking to me that people trust me enough to do this job and that I get to do it now. However, I also felt very comfortable and confident in my classroom. Kids said, "Wow, this is way different than last year" and the other said to her friend, "She's much nicer than my old teacher."

I also got a mini recital from one of my kids who is a great tap dancer. It's starting to feel real. The fun begins in less than one week!


Staff Mtg + visit to Ms. Boeger

Today I got to go to my first whole staff professional development. We did a lot of community building things and got to peruse the NW African American Museum. Guess what I learned? Jimi Hendrix went to my school. Maybe he was even in my classroom as a little rule breaking tike!

Then I got to visit Alexis in her classroom. Man the teacher left a lot for her!